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Lupa's City For Artistic Writing

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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 11:41 pm

So here I will write a few short stories, as many as my muse can muster and I would be happy if you guys, other people, could comment. Anything would work, from praise to constructive critisicim.

I hope my writing is enjoyed.

Howl Death and Hope Howl 
a short story by Twisted_Lupa
Note there is a lot of sadness in this story. Get your tissues, if your easily saddened.

  As Terin trotted on well worn paws he caught the smell of a lone caribou. Female...wounded. By why is it alone? he thought. He and all of his kin knew these lands. Anything with hooves kept in large groups. For one to be alone was very odd to him, to anything trying live in the wide and freezing tundra. Making sure he wouldn't be detected by the probably scared and cold animal he made sure to stay downwind, and crouched on his belly. The snow melted against his fur, but it was simply ignored. He needed this. His mate needed it and his pups would need it too. It was amazing that in only a couple years he left and made a pack of his own. It was extraordinary that in three years he'd have a mate and pups. Life was good to him. so far at least.

  He crept toward the caribou, getting closer and closer. At about fifty meters or so he stopped and waited for the right time to strike. As if time stopped just for him he focused those bright green eyes of his, and slowed down his breathing. Muscles tense, ready to take down the cow he counted down.

 3, 2, 1. Go.

  With a growl he lunged for the cow, covering the fifty meters in second. Bewildered, the cow's eyes went wide with fear and she tried to run. It was a futile effort. Terin already her back leg in vice and it made a sickening snap as he bit down harder. One that was done, the cow fell to the ice and snorted in fear more than pain. She was old, no longer able to bear calves, so she was left by the herd. She knew that her death was inevitable. It was the timing that surprised her, the way she was meant to leave the place she called home for so many years. It was the law of the tundra, everything dies for a reason. Whether to feed healthy lives or give a beginning to new ones.

  Before the cow could bleed out and suffer, Terrin ended her pain. He stared into her eyes as they faded into a glassy manner. It wasn't a predatory stare, it was a mournful thank you. He knew that without this cow, he wouldn't be able to lead a new pack into the summer sun.

  Eating all that he could, Terin made sure to bury the rest of the useful meat so that it wouldn't go to waste later. Taking a steady pace home, he noted that something was wrong. The stench of death was in the air. The stench of murder. With fear blazing in his heart, he ran as quickly as he could trying to head back to the den as fast as possible. In a wave of desperation he howled. It was low, sad and fearful. Wrenna! Oh no... not my Wren. Not my songbird... he thought, jaw tight and bile rising from his throat. Before his paws even landed on home territory he knew what had happened. He could hear something, a weak howl. A dying howl. Even though it was a song of death it was still so beautifully saddening. It was the last he'd hear of his Wrenna, his mate, his songbird...

  Skidding to a stop he saw the massacre that was laid out in front of him. The dark grey of Wrenna's pelt was colored red near her muzzle and her belly. He could smell a foreign stench about the marks that her attacker made. A feral growl left his throat, and then a long and steady howl. It resounded of pain, and anger. But there still may be hope left... Maybe they didn't get the pups... he thought, going into the den. Maybe... maybe, he whined and tried to find them. They had been taken from the world as well. All four of them. It was sad seeing them all ravaged by a lone wolf or some other deadly force. He counted the tiny lifeless bodies and only found three. Terin and Wrenna had a nicely sized litter for their first batch, four pups. Two boys and two girls.  His ears pricked up and zoned in on one little pup hidden in the back of the den. It was amazing how well she was hidden. Barely had a smell, and blended in with the white back drop of the den."Daddy?" she whimpered quietly, "is that you?" Maybe there was a shred of hope left for him. "Yes little one. Come out Lianna."

  The little pup walked out of the small den and looked up at her father. Lianna was stark white, something like her mother but had her dad's eyes. Bright green eyes. "It's going to be ok Lianna," Terrin said, trying to comfort the pup. She shivered against the paws of her dad and nuzzled close to his belly, trying to get as close as possible. Terrin licked his last pup's face, trying to comfort the trembling whelp at his feet. "Daddy what do we do?" she said quietly. For a moment, Terrin was transfixed on the wind and snow blowing about the dark sky. It took him a moment to respond to the white pup. "We live little one. We live for the fallen." Lianna tilted her head to the side and wondered what her father meant. It would all make since in due time, and she would never forget those wise words her father spoke.

The End

So I hope you guys enjoyed it. I barely got through it, it was so sad Whimper.
But I do like the characters so I might do more of Terrin and his daughter Lianna.
See you guys soon.
---T. Lupa

Last edited by Twisted_Lupa on Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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nickname : Mano
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 4:56 am

Aww Cry so sad i really feel sorry for him and his family Whimper Whimper Whimper Whimper 
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 11:14 am

It is, but I think I may do more of them.... maybe in a day or two. This could turn into a book if I wanted it too...
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 4:22 pm

wolf nova would glad to host your books :)
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 10:00 pm

This just came to mind. I really like it and I may build on it.

Everything But a Lost Heart
by Twisted_Lupa

Chapter 1
Realization; Part 1

The cave was dark for a long time... It felt like days. Was it really days? I couldn't tell anymore. With an abrupt flash of light everything was illuminated, the dank cave that I was left in grew bright and pain flashed behind my eyes. Putting a hand up to my eyes I shielded them from the light. It was so different from the dark that I could remember. "Viskrann," a voice said. It was something gruff but kind too. I moved my hand I could see someone at the entrance of the cave. It was a human, male and young somewhat, in his mid to late twenties. He wore dark clothes, and light armor it seemed.

"Viskrann we must leave... Now!" The somewhat kind voice had turned cold and urgent. I knew this man... his name escaped me though... The man came at me, and took my skinny arm. "What are... what is going on?" I mumbled. I had barely anything on my cold body. A feverishly spun tunic, something beggars and poorer people wore. The cold wind made goosebumps appear on my skin, and in the brightness of the moonlight I could remember this man. "Greilynd," I whispered..., "Greilynd of house Endspire."

I pushed him away from me, but my strength was not up to par. "Viskrann do you not remember me? I came here to save you." All at once memories flew back to me. I felt anger, rage, pain, fear, and... happiness. What was happiness doing in this set of memories? This man was the end of many of my kin, or at least his family was. He was part of a long line of dragon slayers as they were dubbed. My kinn called them the Men with No Hearts. For not even they could see that even the largest dragon had a heart. We weren't all merciless killers, for dragons could become twisted just like humans could.

"What's going on Greilynd? Why can't I remember who I am?" I took another look at myself and realized that I no longer had the glimmering body of a great dragon. I was in the body of a human female. It was bizarre the realization almost made me fall to my feet. I didn't realize it at first, but then again... I didn't know at first. I was so confused! Having no idea of who I was, what great blood I had... Tears started to pour, and the warm tears quickly grew cold against my cheek. The man drew me in his arms and held me for a moment stroking the messy red hair on my head. "I know it is confusing, just come with me and we will figure this out," he said. He was the only person I could rely on with the little knowledge I had of my past I nodded my head and walked with him.

Realization; Part 2

The ride was uncomfortable, my new human legs weren't subject to this kind of movement. When Greilynd and I finally got to a small inn he deemed as safe, I fell off of the great horse while  getting off. Though the man was quick to help, I shrugged him off. As Fog was handed off to the stable boy, Greilynd helped me into the inn and into the room he had. I sat on the bed, giving my legs a pleasant reprieve. Soft as it was, I for some reason preferred the stone of the cave. My friend noted my confusion smiled softly. "Dragons aren't used to sleeping on down and wool," he said, "all of this will be very new to you."  His smile faded and he took off his cape, laying it on the small table that occupied one corner of the room.

"What do you remember m'lady?" he asked curiously. I narrowed my eyes at him in confusion. "M'lady?When did I become a lady?" He sighed and continued taking off his armor. Even though it was light it sounded pretty heavy. "You are Viskrann La'Maleinrous, daughter of the late Stryinlis La'Maleinrous. He was a king and you were a princess. Now you are a queen, so you are m'lady." He noted the confusion that again bubbled to the surface and sighed, "It is a very long story, and it is late." I almost protested but I thought a moment and stayed silent. Who knew how long he was looking for me, and I had no idea how long his day had been.

I looked at the bed again. It was large for one human, so I assumed that two were meant to sleep here. A rueful smile briefly appeared on his features and quickly faded. He took out the extra set of sheets under the mattress and said, "You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I looked at him and said, "What was that?" He looked at me confused and then slightly embarrassed, he figured out what I saw. "It's something I remember before you disappeared," he said quickly trying to back out of what he unintentionally started. "What did you remember?" I probed further wanting to have some sort of background information about me and him.
"It's nothing."

"That's a lie. I didn't imagine what I saw."

He sighed. "We were close before you disappeared."

"How close?"

"We knew each other personally. We were very close," he said very quiet and shy somewhat. It was then that I figured out how we truly were. There was a lot between us, a bond that not a lot of people had. In the cave, when he found me it wasn't coldness in his tone, it was concern. "Oh...," was all I said, at a loss for words. "It's fine. Your just different... its like meeting an all new person," he said, "I'll tell you more if you want to know tomorrow." Before he could turn around and set up his sleeping arrangements I hugged him, hoping to give some kind of assurance that I had never changed. I may have lost everything I knew, and everything I was, but I still had a heart.

He was startled by the space between us going from a couple meters to zero, but he savored the lack of space bringing my own body close to his own and burying his head in my mass of hair. After a few minutes, he let go and he started putting down his blankets and things for the night. With that I got into the bed and waited for him to lower the lights with the few lamps in our room. "Good night Grielynd," I said before the last light dimmed out. "Good night Vis," he replied. I fell fond of his new nickname for me, well he probably used it before considering I was meeting him again as a brand new person.

To Be Continued..... Wiggle 

Last edited by Twisted_Lupa on Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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nickname : Mano
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 23, 2013 2:51 pm

I love how this story is going Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink 
first it has
now a touch of love :love: 
You should wright a book or something Blink 
or i am happy to make your stories popular on wolf nova :closedgrin: 
but for that we need people if have any way bring more people please do ^_^

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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 3:03 pm

cant wait
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 8:07 am

Hmm. I've been trying to write lately, but my muse isn't very active.
The sad thing is I really want to write too... Rotten Tomato 

Maybe I'll have to wait a few days.
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 8:36 am

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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2013 8:37 am

No muse what so ever....
And I'm bored too.
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 13, 2013 2:43 pm

Ok. I finally have my muse for this story!

Everything But a Lost Heart
by Twisted_Lupa

Chapter 2
Clothes and and Horses

I woke up from a dark and pleasant sleep to find light in my eyes. Morning, she thought getting up and pushing her hair back from her face. Looking around she couldn't see Grielynd in his little makeshift bed, but next to the window. He already had his armor on, his cape, and his greatsword strapped on his back. "Morning," he told me, still peeking out of the window. I sighed and recounted the last night's events. I was perplexed slightly by the thought of it, I had no idea what we were meant to do. What I was meant to do. "Morning," I told him walking beside the man. Although he was fairly young (only in his twenties or something like that) you could see the grey circles around his eyes, and the slight frown that pulled at his lips.

"So now will you tell me about my own history?" I asked him, still studying his slightly grizzled face. The man sighed softly, and said, "Over breakfast I will. But before that you need new clothes, and a weapon." On the table laid fresh clothes, armor, and two short swords in their own scabbards. "Your stuff is on the table," he said looking at me only for a moment until his gaze went back to the window. Walking over to the table, there was light armor that was darker than Grielynd's, and smaller as well and made to fit my feminine frame.

((I'm not done yet. ))

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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 1:42 pm

This is a poem I came up with on the Randomz thread. I decided to place it here. =3

by Twisted_Lupa

The color of vitality
Blood in the veins of many
Tall redwoods
And the breasts of robins

The color that doesn't rhyme
The setting sun
Tiger lilies, and tigers themselves
A bright flame

Energetic and bouncy
Too bright for darkened eyes
Fresh hay
And Palomino manes

Earth itself
Plants, trees, leaves
The color known for GO
The uniform those in war wear

The color of skies
Watercolor flowers
And sweetened blueberries
The purest sea water

Indigo, violet
The color with many names
Blackberries, blueberries, huckleberries
My favorite paint to fling on the canvas

Cars that roam the streets
Wedding cakes and vanilla ice cream
Winter, and snow
The separation of all visible color

Charcoal, and words that are read
The cowl that hides faces
Stripes that run down a zebra's back
When you mix all the colors together

This is color

Last edited by Twisted_Lupa on Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 3:09 pm

Cool but yellows so bright i cant see the words 0_o
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 3:09 pm

I think I'll find a new color for it.
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 07, 2013 4:31 pm

Ok so I saw a movie the other day, and it has inspired me to make this character. There's no definite story just her for now.
This is written in the form of a Q&A, a male interviewer and my female character.

Darexia Samantha B. Valeria interviewed by Jack M. Wise
Sunday, December 13, 2156, 16:35

The reporter sits down in my cell. That's all I have for now. He wears simple clothes, modern unlike the guards that love to abuse and torture me. Though I've been worse. I sigh, and look up with a bored smile at this mystery person. My hands are bound to either side of the steel chair I'm in.

"Are you ready for this miss Valeria?" he says to me. He tries to stay confident, I can smell the fear and I can see the anxiousness in his eyes. "The real question is are you ready for this Mr. Wise?" He blinks curiously, jots down a note and then turns on the note on his recorder that us a part of the PolyBand on his wrist. Turning it on he speaks into it, "Jack Maelund Wise, recording on December 13, 2156. The time is approximately 4:35. I am here with Darexia Samantha B. Valeria in the Horizon Maximum Security Prison orbiting Neptune in the Sol system. Let's begin." He pulled of his PolyTool off and set it on the table. I grinned at him, he was so interesting. I wondered how this would go. My first interview.

"So, miss Valeria may I-"
"No. I'd rather you call me Sam. Formalities are stiff like the iron that binds me. Don't you want to hear my voice Jack?" Mr. Wise blinks confused at the use of his first name, but keeps on going.

"Ok Sam. You are one of the few Raykierians left in the galaxy, and you are in jail. The people know what you did, do you?"
I frowned and sighed, knowing that there was more to this, "I did kill 30 people, but that was all in self defense. What is that famous phrase humans always use to justify death? 'An eye for an eye'. These people killed many of the Raykeirian and others like us. Wouldn't a human do the same?"

"So you admit to killing 30 people over a 3 day period?"

"How old are you Sam?"
"Well compared to humans I am about...-paused- 27 years old. But on Raykeir I am only 14 or so. the Raykeirians live a long time compared to humans on Earth."

"So is it normal for someone your age on Keirin to do so much?"
"Shouldn't you know that Jack? Your people do love to assume that something do small cannot do much."

"What I mean is-"
"I know what you mean. It isn't actually. I was top of my class, so I had a lot to do after education."

"When did you finish your education exactly?"
"I began a week or two after I was born, and continued on for 7 or so years. So when I was 14 Earth years I was only 7."

"Impressive, what did your family think?"
"My mother wanted to keep me in school another two years, but my father wanted me to go out and adventure. See the world as he said. Who knew that it would be the galaxy?"

"How was your childhood?"
"It was abrupt, and there wasn't much to it. I played with my brother when I wasn't studying or learning. And the Raykierian grow quickly, our pubescent stage being early so that we can live longer lives without menial things getting in the way."

"You had a brother?"
"Have. I have a brother. He still draws air. Darexia Maikelith Cartier Valeria. Only a name, you can do the rest of the research."

Before Jack could ask another question, a guard busted in and shouted at him. "What are you doing here?! Get out!" Jack gt up and surprisingly defended his reasons of being here, talking to me. Looking at them with my shining eyes, I sighed. today was going to be very interesting.

Character Sheet for
Name: Darexia Samantha Banhthous Valeria
Age: 27 Earth years; 14 Raykierian years
Gender: Female
Apperance: 6' 5", Approx. 120 lbs, Metallic purple eyes that seem to glow, light brown skin, lean frame, soft tightly curled black hair.
Personality: Known for her smart-alack attitide and her carefree feelings, Sam is a cool and confident Raykierian. Having excelled in both academics and battle skills, she tends to be narcissistic as well though the people she fights are usually weak enough or they don't anticipate her.
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nickname : Lupa; T_Lupa
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PostSubject: Re: Lupa's City For Artistic Writing Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 13, 2013 10:17 pm

I was bored and I wanted to flesh out my fursona some more, and her father.
Here she is.
Oh and again. No stealing any of my charries.

Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  Temp_112
Three Year Old Alpha Female of Thunder Pack
Female Eastern Timber Wolf(Canis [lupus] lycaon) and Iberian Wolf mix(Canis lupus signatus)

Born in the midst of a thunderstorm with a dark black pelt and bright lighting gold eyes, Fealonis became a member of Thunder Pack Her parents were loving and caring, father Nikalo Fyronis, (formerly Nikalo Clooud) and mother Lunias Clooud taught her to be strong and capable wolf well as kind and caring. As a pup she loved to play around and often went to the nearby lake to play in the shallow water. As she grew up though, Fealonis became more serious and looked to the horizon with her pack. She was meant to become a deputy of Thunder Pack like her father. When the lake flooded after the events of the moon rock, Faelonis' mother Laenin Clooud died being swept up in the torrent of water. In sadness and false hope, her father Nikalo Clooud changed his name and packs as well, becoming a scouter for Fire Pack. Faelonis never knew why her father left her and his Thunder Pack family but to this day she resents the male that used to call father. With her father gone and her mother dead, Faelonis found it hard to live in Thunder Pack and left to become a lone wolf for half of a year ago. While traveling on her own, she ran into bears, badgers, foxes and  coyotes. Coming back to Thunder Pack scarred and wiser than before, she found her pack to be disorganized and hesitant in the simplest actions. Taking up the reins as Alpha, she had to knock a few wolves off their pedestals before becoming the female alpha. Now at the age of three Faelonis is the head of Thunder Pack. Although there has yet to be a male alpha to work alongside her, and she hasn't yet had pups the she wolf leads strong.

Lupa's City For Artistic Writing  Temp_113
Scouting Male of Fire Pack; Former Second Deputy of Thunder Pack
Male Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)

Born on a moonless night, with a fog gray pelt and deep green eyes, Nikalo grew to join tow packs in his lifetime. As a young pup, Nikalo was always in trouble. Either playing pranks or making the elders mad, it was surprising that he would soon become a deputy among Thunder Pack. Ascending the ranks quickly, he helped the alpha of his time through many hard year. When moon rock fell, and the wolves split he was once part of Thunder Pack. While there, he met Laenin, and had Faelonis with her. His only pup, Nikola cherished her and made sure to make him better than he was as a yongster and even as an adult. It was when Faelonis was 1 1/2 when the lake flooded and his mate Laenin died. And there Nikalo defected to the Fire Pack, in a mix of feelings he left everything he knew. Looking back at the events, it would have been better to stay in Thunder Pack rather than leave. If he could talk to the new alpha of his old pack, he would give anything to talk to his daughter. Now a lead scout in Fire Pack, he isn't at a high position as he used to be but it doesn't bother him much.

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